A life-changing connection

Why enroll your child in Big Brothers Big Sisters of Delaware? When kids stay out of trouble, they do better in school and in life, and their communities become stronger, safer places to live. With the help and support of our donors, volunteers, partners and advocates, Big Brothers Big Sisters helps our Littles learn right from wrong and how to make good decisions. It’s one of the reasons why our work is recognized as best in class by juvenile justice professionals like the U.S. Department of Justice Office for Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention.
Big Brothers Big Sisters, with the help of donors, volunteers, partners, advocates and supporters, nurtures the next generation of children alongside their parents. Our programs help children improve their self-confidence and have better, stronger relationships with their families. We encourage them to set higher goals for high schools and college.
To inquire about enrolling your 6-to 18-year-old child, please click link below or call your local BBBS office. Clicking the link below will take you off-site to the national BBBS website where you'll start by entering your zip code.