Big brothers big sisters of delaware

Evidence-based mentoring is what makes Big Brothers Big Sisters of Delaware (BBBSDE) different from all other organizations. Our mission is to create and support mentoring relationships that ignite the power and promise of youth. Our vision is for all of Delaware’s youth to achieve their full potential.
Since 1964, with locations in each county, BBBSDE has provided caring adult mentors (“Bigs”) for at-risk youth (“Littles”). Adult volunteers are vetted, specially trained and matched with children based on common interests and the child’s specific needs. Volunteers serve as friends, mentors and role models, helping children (primarily from single-parent homes) gain greater self-confidence. These Bigs encourage their Littles to see themselves positively and realize their potential for a happy and successful future.
Each Big Brother Big Sister relationship is carefully administered and supported by rigorous standards and trained personnel. BBBSDE staff strive for mentor matches that are not only safe and suited to the child’s needs, but also harmonious and built to last. That’s why we take such care in selecting volunteers, orienting them and matching them with children. Beyond finding the perfect mentor for each child, BBBSDE staff provide ongoing support and supervision to the Big, Little and the Little’s family.